The Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) has given the green light to a pilot project called ‘New solutions for flexible management of electric vehicle charging power in collective buildings (FlexC)’. The project is spearheaded by E-REDES – Distribuição de Energia, S.A., and falls under the Commercial Relations Regulation.
The ‘FlexC’ pilot, slated for a six-month duration, will test the ability to provide increased power for electric vehicle charging within the common garages of collective buildings. The project also aims to gauge customer interest in the concept, focusing particularly on electric vehicle users and charging solution providers.
ERSE hopes the project will address challenges that currently limit electric vehicle charging in apartment buildings. Many buildings lack the necessary infrastructure, which would involve costly grid connection enhancements. FlexC aims to tap into available power sources within collective facilities that are underutilized, or only available at certain times of day. By doing so, the project hopes to promote home charging and reduce barriers to electric vehicle adoption among consumers.