“A Blessing”: Donated Minivans Provide Relief for Family with Two Sets of Young Twins
By Elizabeth B. Kim, Cincinnati Enquirer
Rhayi’a Smith had been praying for a minivan ever since the arrival of her first set of twins in 2023. Less than two years later, her prayers were answered in a truly remarkable way. This month, Smith’s family received not one, but two minivans, each a surprise gift from individuals who barely knew them. These acts of generosity have profoundly impacted the family’s daily life.
I completely lost it. I was in tears,
Smith recounted, describing her emotional reaction to the gifts. The vans arrived about a week after Smith was featured in an Enquirer story highlighting the role of doulas in supporting pregnant women and their families.
Rhayi’a Smith’s family received two surprise minivans, one of which was delivered by Thad Paris after a 12-hour drive from Connecticut.
A Gift from Unexpected Places
The first minivan came courtesy of Unique Blackman, owner of 5-Star Early Childhood Education Academy in Cheviot, where Smith’s babies attend daycare. Before the donation, Blackman had been sending a car to transport the four children, all under two years old, to daycare each morning before Smith went to work. While this arrangement helped initially, Blackman recognized Smith’s pressing need for a vehicle spacious enough for her entire family.
I was at no point of ever being able to transport all four kids.
Smith noted, recalling the challenges of sharing one sedan with her partner, and the limitations that imposed on their ability to go anywhere together. Blackman, who operates seven daycare centers in Cincinnati, had a special fund designated for parents facing financial hardships with necessities like rent, utilities, and groceries. Using this fund, along with her personal savings, Blackman was able to deliver the minivan to Smith in late February. Now, according to Blackman, “she picks up and drops her kids off, and they’re on time,” adding that Smith is “always smiling.”
Unbeknownst to Smith, a second van would appear at her doorstep just five days later. Kimberly McGinnis, Smith’s doula, was vacationing on a cruise with her husband when she struck up a conversation with Thad Paris, a VA analyst, and his wife. McGinnis mentioned Smith’s need for a van, and Paris and his wife, who were planning to replace their 2011 Honda Odyssey, knew they could help.

Rhayi’a Smith, pictured here with her doula Kimberly McGinnis.
A couple of weeks later, Paris made the twelve-hour drive from Danielson, Connecticut, to Cincinnati to personally deliver the van. Both Smith and McGinnis were astonished by the gesture.
Who does this? Who makes this decision to go to another city, to gift your van to some people? It’s something out of fiction,
McGinnis said.
A World of Difference
The arrival of the minivans has transformed Smith’s family life. This past week allowed Smith to take one set of twins to a doctor’s appointment in one van, while her partner took the other set of twins to daycare in the other. On a recent Sunday, Smith was able to bring all her children to church at the same time for the first time.
It was definitely a blessing. These people literally didn’t know my family from Adam and Eve.
Smith shared, expressing her deep gratitude. Paris responded,
If it helps somebody else in the process, that’s a win-win in my book.