The ‘Bentley Bandits,’ a crew of armed robbers terrorizing Manhattan, earned their moniker from the first vehicle they targeted: a high-end Bentley sedan. On February 18th, their focus landed on a 2023 Bentley, valued at over $200,000, which was idling on West 28th Street.
One of the bandits approached the luxury car with a firearm, ordering the driver to exit. The owner complied, but the criminals quickly encountered a problem. The expensive car remained in park, idle on the street for minutes, and then they were finally forced to abandon their initial plan.
“They don’t know how to operate the vehicle. High-end vehicle. Unsuccessful,” NYPD Chief John Mastronardi told NBC New York. “They couldn’t move the vehicle because they didn’t know how to place the vehicle in drive.”
Despite the help of a second bandit, the crew could not figure out how to operate the luxury vehicle. They ultimately fled in a white BMW.
A mere ten minutes later, the ‘Bentley Bandits’ struck again, targeting a 2024 Mercedes Benz on East 40th Street. This time they were successful. According to Mastronardi, the robbers “told the individual also to get out of the car, pointing a firearm at him.” The crew forced the driver and passenger out at gunpoint, and this time they were able to drive away in the Mercedes Benz.
Chief Mastronardi expressed serious concerns about the crew’s escalating aggression, stating, “These are violent individuals. They become more brazen with each incident they have.” He and a team of detectives from the NYPD’s Crimes Against Persons Squad are working to locate them before they strike again.
Mastronardi described victims’ experiences of being robbed, and the inherent danger and fear involved. “They get ambushed. They don’t know what’s going on. They have a firearm pointed at their face., telling them to get out of the vehicle. What are you gonna do? You’re gonna get out of the vehicle. Right? It’s either that or you’re gonna get killed. You don’t know their intention,” said Mastronardi.
The NYPD indicates that the crew consists of three individuals. “There are three individuals: Two individuals actually commit the robbery. The third individual is the getaway driver. The two individuals who are doing the robberies are wearing black hoodies and mask. One individual is very distinctive in that he’s wearing a varsity type jacket with distinctive patches,” according to Mastronardi. The police believe that the robbers are fleeing the city to the outer boroughs.
While detectives investigate possible links to other carjackings, Mastronardi expressed optimism about his team’s ability to apprehend the ‘Bentley Bandits.’ “With the use of technology, video, good old-fashioned police work and the public’s assistance, I think we have the deck stacked against these individuals and I feel confident it will come to a successful conclusion and we will bring these individuals to justice,” he said. “We have to catch them and we will.”
The NYPD is asking for help in identifying the individuals involved. Anyone with information is urged to contact the police immediately.