I-95 Crash Sends One to Hospital
FAIRFIELD, CT — One person sustained serious injuries Thursday afternoon following a collision involving a tractor trailer and a pickup truck on I-95 southbound between exits 19 and 18 in Fairfield, according to fire officials. The accident caused both vehicles to leave the thruway and descend an embankment.
The pickup truck ended up on its roof, with the tractor trailer resting on top. Fire officials noted that the driver of the pickup suffered “major injuries” in the crash.
“An ambulance from American Medical Response arrived on scene first and found both the patient from a pickup truck, and the driver from the tractor trailer, out of the vehicle,” Fairfield fire officials wrote on Facebook. The injured person was transported to a local hospital.
To safely bring the patient up from the 50-foot embankment, firefighters used a “stokes basket and rope system,” according to Westport fire officials. Due to the location of the accident, firefighters from both Fairfield and Westport responded. Recovery vehicles from Bud’s Truck and Diesel Service and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection worked together to manage flammable liquids, while the state Department of Transportation handled guard rail repairs.
The Connecticut State Police are investigating the cause of the crash.