A pickup truck crashed into the Longmont Humane Society in Longmont on Saturday, leading to a temporary closure of the facility. The incident occurred shortly after 1 p.m., according to CEO Russell Hinkle.
“It was pretty close to the main entrance, on the southwest corner of the building,” Hinkle said, describing the site of impact. “We were lucky. There’s a couple of support columns that are visible from the outside of the building and the vehicle went between them.”
Fortunately, no animals or bystanders were hurt in the crash. The driver may have sustained minor injuries, but their exact condition is unknown. The driver was not an employee of the Humane Society, and it remains unclear what caused the accident or if they will face charges. The Times-Call reached out to the city of Longmont for further details.
Hinkle described the scene’s immediate aftermath. “They said it sounded kind of like an explosion. It was a really loud noise, probably a really upsetting moment for all the dogs and people in the area.”
The Longmont Humane Society, located at 9595 Nelson Road, closed for the remainder of Saturday to assess the damage and clean up debris, including glass and oil. The extent of the repair costs is currently unknown. The Humane Society is working with its insurance provider on the next steps.
The facility reopened on Sunday. “We saw 19 animals get adopted on Sunday. So, it ended up being a really, really good day and had a lot of support from the community,” Hinkle said.